Vlieseline / Vilene Quickscreen Triangle Dreieck Print Interlining


Ideal for patchwork, our product enables the precise processing and accurate fit of fabric strips. Compatible with all fabrics, it features interfacing with a printed grid at a 60° angle, making it perfect for creating geometric patterns such as stars, baby blocks, hexagons, triangles, diamonds, or trapezoids.

Quickly and easily transfer intricate shapes with this versatile solution, enhancing the efficiency and precision of your patchwork projects.


Vlieseline quicksreen triangle print interlining


Suitable for patwchork; allowing the accurate processing and precise fit of fabric strips. Suitable for all fabrics.


Mediumweight nonwoven interlining for patchwork, made from a blend of synthetic fibres; with printed-on blue grid in a 60° angle.


1. Cut out a fabric diamond, fabric strips in various sizes and six Quickscreen Triangle diamonds. Place the fabric diamond on the 60° edge on the unprinted reverse side of the Quickscreen Triangle diamond. The dotted lines serve as orientation.

2. Place the fabric strips, right side to right side, on the diamond and secure in place with pins.

3. Turn the piece and sew along the fabric diamond on the printed, continuous line.

4. Turn the piece back around and fold over the fabric strips. Then cut off in line with the diamond and iron. Proceed to complete the diamond following the pattern.


• Quick and precise to use
• Perfect for geometric patterns
• Uniform finish

90cm x 15m

Additional information


50cm, 1m, Roll

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