Vlieseline / Vilene Soluvlies Solufleece Stabiliser


Discover our water-soluble (25-30°C) embroidery backing, perfect for machine embroideries and innovative techniques such as crashing or the “Crazy-Technique.”

This versatile product is suitable for various machine embroidery applications, creative techniques, and serves as an ideal sewing aid for mini-quilts.

It is compatible with all washable and sewable fabrics and textile materials. Elevate your embroidery and creative works with this innovative water-soluble backing, designed to bring versatility and ease to your projects.


Vlieseline Solufleece Stabiliser


Sewable and water-soluble embroidery backing.

100% PVAL

38 g/ m2


For all kinds of machine embroidery, new creative techniques and as an ideal sewing aid for mini-quilts. Suitable for all fabrics and textile materials that are washable and sewable.

Product benefits:

  • stabilizer for all machine embroideries
  • easily washed out – dissolves in cold and warm water
  • very good stabilizing properties and ease of use
  • versatile application, e.g. for free hand lace embroidery, appliqués and similar motifs.
  • for creating collages using a \”pizza technique\”
  • ideal sewing aid for mini quilts.

Additional information


50cm, 1m, Roll

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